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Onward and Upward

Dear friends, Once again, we feel the Lord moving us–calling us to leave our home. We will be moving back to the States. We trust God to guide us on this pilgrimage, leading us wherever He will, that we may draw closer and closer to Him. We have peace and joy knowing that this decision has been made following clear direction from God. We are so grateful for the confirmations He gave us so we can rest knowing we are walking with Him. That being said, our hearts are sore. South Africa has become our home. It was a battle adjusting to life here–realizing nothing looked like what we thought it would and often desiring the comfort of loved ones and familiar territory. We battled with God, with our circumstances, with each other, and within ourselves. The battles grew us, though, and for that we are grateful. There were times we wanted to leave this place, but we also spent a lot of time investing ourselves here. We formed precious relationships, we immersed ourselves in this rich culture, a...

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